MarlinStudio城市郊區交通3D模型 Marlin Studio Premium City Models Bundle 格式:max | obj 合輯(DVD版)
MarlinStudio城市郊區交通3D模型 Marlin Studio Premium City Models Bundle 格式:Max | obj 合輯(DVD版)

本模型合輯是由MarlinStudio機構出品的城市郊區交通3D模型合輯,Marlin Studio Premium
City Models Bundle,格式:Max | obj,包含181個城市建築模型
Marlin Studio Premium City Models Bundle
Set of 3D models for use in architectural visualization. With the help of data
collections Premium 3D
Models City Buildings, Premium 3D Models Suburban
Houses and Traffic Pretextured Low Poly Vehicles you can create a massive city,
and you can
modify the generated exteriors.
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